السبت، 2 مارس 2013

Flu medicine

Influenza .. Prevention and treatment

Vaccination Balkahaa essential to counter deadly serious infection

It occurs every year. When the day becomes shorter, and temperatures drop - went influenza hit. And influenza are very common to the extent that easy seasonal renounce this injury, describing it as «transient virus. Indeed, the flu caused by a virus, and most people recover without the need for specific treatment. But also the fact is that thousands of Americans die because of it each year while others sick millions because of it and abstain from going to work or school.
Influenza serious infection - but that could prevent, treat.

* Cambridge (Massachusetts U.S.):

Al-Sharq al-Awsat *

* Family includes a wide range of influenza viruses. Most viruses infect animals .. From pigs to horses and chickens and various types of birds. And more animal flu viruses remain in place those animal, but the bird flu can be transmitted to humans. This raises the virus worries scientists because of the hazard contagion transmission to humans.

And almost the majority of infections that afflict humans caused by two strains of human flu virus are «A» A «B» B. And influenza 'A' more serious. The tightened its abhorrent disguise game itself, changing the proteins on the outer cover. As a result, people who have entrenched their immunity after infection ancient strain of avian «no» do not have immunity to the new descendants. This is the reason why some new vaccine each year.

* Flu pandemic

* Influenza is a global problem. Because different strains of the virus appear each year, the epidemiology appear annually. In most years, show the new strain in Asia, then spread across the world towards the United States. This is what gives American scientists a chance to check the pandemic strains and production of vaccines before they arrive.

In the United States, flu season begins times of Thanksgiving in November until the Easter holidays in the spring. Most cases fall in the winter months. In a typical year infected about 10 per cent of the population with influenza, and enters the hospital about 200 thousand infected, die 36 thousand U.S. because of it. This number could double during epidemics that appear in the overall every 10 to 15 years.

* Problems of proliferation severe influenza infection. Is a virus that affects the respiratory system and is transmitted through the mucous droplets very small spread in the air during coughing, sneezing or even exhale. And become people close to the patient more vulnerable than others to infection with influenza, and this is the reason that leads to spread rapidly among family members, and between crews hospitals, and at sites where people share their work and their lives. The virus is transmitted from one hand to another.

* Symptoms

* Influenza hit hit quickly. After an incubation period of only one or two days, symptoms suddenly begin to appear. Most patients feel a fever, and appear to have a high temperature grades are located in range 103-104 Fahrenheit (39.5-40 degrees Celsius). And suffers almost every infected from a runny nose and sore throat. Unlike colds, the flu disease symptoms appear strong dry cough. As joint pain may be severe. Headaches, heartburn Alaann, and general weakness and high stress, making things worse.

In most cases, the extreme heat and pain Akhvan in a period of between two to five days, but the cough may be long for a week or two, either stress has long over.

* Complications

* The most serious complications, which can cause death, is pneumonia. And young children, the elderly and the chronically ill fall in the category of high risk. Therefore, they need to make vaccination and medical treatment.

In some cases, pneumonia can be caused by infection with influenza virus itself. In this case, it becomes a deadly problem begins early infected with the virus and then quickly develop accompanying acute symptoms of dry cough and breathing cut. The pneumonia caused by a bacterial infection is the most common, and most receptive to treatment. And this latest injury starts after getting the flu, and after the patient's condition and looks like getting better. Here begins the heat to return again, as well as taking cough increase, the patient is prescribed by bombarding thick purulent sputum (phlegm).

Other complications of flu include asthma, ear infections, respiratory bronchitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the heart or other muscles, and inflammation of the nervous system.

* Diagnosis

* The majority of injuries can be diagnosed because it lies in the off-season, and when the virus is widespread among the population, and the symptoms clear. But light injuries from the flu can be similar to other respiratory infectious diseases, which directs strikes in the winter as well. The attached table provides details of the symptoms associated with these various ailments. But you have to remember to consult your doctor when it comes to diagnosis and treatment.

Doctors usually depends on the results of clinical tests for the diagnosis of influenza. But that was a strange symptoms or very severe, or the flu did not appear among the population, the special tests may prove diagnostic results. And is mostly used in laboratories quickly to monitor the examination of the proteins in the influenza virus when taking a swab from the patient's nose, within minutes. And are resorting to a blood test and X-rays and other tests in the event of complications.

* Prevention: hygiene

* That I had inoculated influenza vaccine this year or not, there are some simple preventive steps that help to protect you and your family members:

• Wash your hands. Types of 'gel' is made of alcohol is the best way. Get those containing 60 to 95 per cent of isopropanol isopropanol or ethanol ethanol. And plain soap and water help too, and it is not necessary to use very hot water with soap «antibacterial. Towels may be useful antibacterial on the move. Wash your hands carefully after contact with other people who are exhibiting symptoms similar to the flu.

• Stay away distance from patients. Valanvlonza are more contagious within a distance of three feet (90 cm) for the injured. When the spread of the disease, try to minimize your presence in crowded locations.

• Wear a mask that you are in the box at more risk of injury, and you can not avoid the other victims of the flu. Well-proven mask. Keep it dry, and contamination with saliva. And N95 respiratory mask is the best recommended.

• Protect others. Do not go to work and school when you got the flu. Use a paper handkerchief to cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, and Arme in the litter box. Bounced off the mask that I felt compelled to mingle with people.

Prevention: Vaccination In each new season the development of new vaccines, each of which protects against influenza dynasties 'A', and one strain of 'me' which is believed to be coming our way every season. October and November are The Almnspain months of vaccination vaccine. The needs of children between the ages of six months and eight years, who has never been vaccinated with vaccines, two doses, but other people will not need only one dose. There are two types of vaccines, Valmarcash (spray) Nasal can only be used by healthy people, and non-pregnant women of ages ranging between two and 49 years. The injection of the vaccine to Fbalamkan given to almost anyone, but for people who suffer from an allergy to eggs or the vaccine itself. Side effects are usually mild and uncommon, up to arm or redness emergence of low-grade fever.

The vaccination can reduce the risk of influenza infection by up to about 80 per cent. This is the great usefulness, but about half the people who need the most preventable, not getting it. Here are the most important cases that require priority in vaccination:

• All children between the ages of six months and four years.

• All adults at age 50 years and over.

• children and adolescents between the ages of 6 months and 18 years, who are taking recipes from long-term aspirin.

• women who are suspected occurrence of pregnancy have in the flu season • People with asthma, diabetes, or the chronically ill in the lung, heart, blood, kidney, or liver disease.

• Patients taking drugs affecting the immune system.

• Residents of chronic disease care facilities.

• Health Care Staff members personal and child care.

• Workers in care of family members who work with patients at risk of injury.

* Prevention and Treatment: Medications

* Antibiotics do not lead ineffective against viruses, including influenza viruses. But, although there is no medication for regular viruses, specifically the prescription drugs, can be used for the prevention of influenza. He lost Two drugs are old two «amantadine» amantadine («Simitril» (Symmetrel and «rimantadine» rimantadine («Flamendin» (Flumadine, effectiveness., But the two drugs new remain effective against more strains «A» and «B» of the flu. Both drugs affect in enzyme malignant called neuraminidase. nor any of them can treat influenza and cured but they alleviate the disease and يقللان duration, that was initiated Ptnolhma during the last 24 to 36 hours the first appearance of symptoms of influenza. Both drugs can be used for the prevention of influenza, for people who did not feed vaccine , and at risk for the flu.

The medication is inhaled «zanamivir» Zanamivir (Relenza) by a spray device. Use was approved for prevention, for people from the age of five years or more, and for the treatment of 7 + years of age. Side effects may include wheezing, dizziness, vomiting, and observed its effect on behavior.

Was approved for the prevention and treatment of people over the age of a year. Side effects may include his dizziness and vomiting, in addition to behavior change.

And I was the flu and you can start taking the drug during the first 36 hours, ask your doctor about these drugs. Whether you are taking antiretroviral medication or do not eat you complete rest and drink plenty of fluids. And 'acetaminophen' Acetaminophen (Taelinol «Tylenol and other brands) able to help reduce fever and aches. And aspirin also effective, but it should not be used for ages less than 18 years old. And I felt that there was a possibility for the emergence of pneumonia or any other complications requiring antibiotics or inpatient in the hospital, you should contact your doctor immediately.

* Respect influenza

* Although serious influenza infection, but they are not decent respected. Do not fall into neglect and error saying that it «is only virus. Instead, get the vaccine each fall and taken simple measures through the spread of influenza infections. And your risk of influenza, contact your doctor to see if medications could accelerate Bashvaúk.

* Harvard «monitoring the health of the man, of Tribune Media Services»

* Why spread the flu in the winter?

* Flu-like winter and the cold months. In the northern hemisphere, they are spread between November and March, but it spread in the southern hemisphere between May and September. In the tropical region, there is no real flu season, as it does not spread only slightly.

And increase the spread of many types of respiratory infections during the winter, when people gather together in homes. But scientists have been wondering for many years about the reason that prompts influenza virus directing strikes in a specific season. In 2007 one study found the reason.

And using test animals were infected with human influenza from New York scientists found that the virus had moved more efficiently in a cold environment. And it turned out that infected animals that lived in the temperature 41 Fahrenheit (5 degrees Celsius) remained carry the virus for two additional days compared to those who lived degree 68 Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius)., As the temperature degree 86 Fahrenheit (30 degrees Celsius) prevented entirely transmission . It also provided low humidity will further boost to the virus, because it was spreading faster moisture relative degree amounting to 20 per cent, compared to a 80 per cent degree.

In the summer before the start complaining about the heat and humidity, remember that they flu Thmaank.

* Bird flu .. Viruses mutated which might cause the human lot of animals infected with influenza, but each type has a special type of viruses. The When people get the flu, they are most likely human influenza.

Avian influenza caused by strains of the influenza virus that usually infect birds. But some types of animal influenza viruses mutate, so that they can for human infection.The virus began to spread from Asia in the nineties of the last century and then moved with migratory birds, some parts of Europe and Africa. Did not show any cases in the Americas.

Bird flu is highly contagious among birds, but difficult transition towards humans. Are diagnosed only several hundred cases of people injured, most of them were from diseased birds. But bird flu infection for humans very serious, since about half the patients died.

Scientists are trying to contain bird flu containment infect birds, as well as by reducing the friction between birds and humans in areas of the spread of the virus. But they fear the virus could change, so that it can move from one person to another, which could lead to a deadly human pandemic similar to the 1918 influenza pandemic.

And no vaccine for bird flu to vaccinate birds. Also been developed for a human vaccine against bird flu, but he is not yet ready for clinical use. And that happened and spread of bird flu among humans, the control will depend on the isolation of the injured, and providing good as masks «95» respiratory, and secure full hygiene, including washing hands with material from alcohol. The «oseltamivir» Oseltamivir counter drug for bird flu, hold your breath.

Influenza vaccine .. Unexpected benefits that prevention of influenza, explained the reason for vaccination vaccine autumn each year. But there is more. The study found significant cases of 286 thousand and 686 people between the ages of 65 years and over, that flu vaccines led to low hypnosis in hospitals as a result of diagnosed cases of heart disease and stroke, by 19 to 23 per cent, and to decrease ranged between 29 and 32 per cent of Hypnosis because of the dangers of influenza and pneumonia. In any case, it has dropped by almost 50 per cent risk of death in older people who received vaccines during the flu season in the winter.

«Smears eye .. What did not show up?

* Macular degeneration more commonly in women after the age of sixty

* Cambridge (the U.S. state of Massachusetts): SELESTAT Rob Nicholson *

* Eye doctor told me that I have stains scattered all over the eyes, and he wants me to an examination every nine months. Can you explain to me what stains and what it means existence?

Smears eye or protein deposits Drusen small yellow combinations of fragments of cells accumulate under the retina, the layer of light-sensitive cells at the back of the eye, which play a vital role in the process of vision. Smudges show has more people ages 60 and older, which is more common in women than in men.

And the emergence of several stains small is not considered one of the signs of aging harmful, but the emergence of large numbers of smudges large may be a sign of an early stage of the case macular degeneration (macular degeneration), which is linked with age Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), in which case the lead to seriously impede sight. In the United States, this case is the leading cause of blindness for people over the age of 65 years.

* Macular Degeneration

* Macular degeneration associated with age, a degenerative disease that affects the macula Mmacula, an area of ​​the retina responsible for central vision. And the sharp central vision allows us to look at the most accurate parts that distinguish things from each other, and recognize faces, and perform tasks such as reading and driving. When retinal macula break down the areas in the central field of vision for us, starting in appearing Mgoohh.

There are two types of macular degeneration associated with age: dry and wet. Dry and type I is the most common, which develops gradually and usually cause optical block light. But he could develop into an advanced stage of dry type .. Or the development of macular degeneration associated with age of the wet type. The wet type appears in about 10 to 15 per cent of all cases, and it is causing mostly severe damage in the macula, and the loss of central vision rapidly.

* Increased smudges

* One of the early signs of atrophy with age-related macular dry, is the accumulation of smudges under the macula. Smudges do not cause the case of macular degeneration, but with the development of this disease and the increasing blurring of vision, they any smudges increase in size, and form clusters.

Each increase in the size and number of stains, increase the risk of the emergence of cases of macular degeneration associated with age of the dry type or wet.

And ophthalmologists usually trying to monitor such changes because of signs that could avoid the progression of the disease to the intermediate or advanced stages, to take up the patients to high doses of antioxidant supplements, containing zinc. The Probe researchers Institute eyes national and during اجرائهم study eye diseases associated with aging Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS), in doses containing 500 milligrams of vitamin «C», and beta carotene, and 80 milligrams of zinc, and Mlegramen of copper.

It is probably not affect stains in your eyes Abesark at all, but having now been monitored, the doctor was right in the eyes need to check your eyes regularly. Although the doses of antioxidant in the study (AREDS) did not show signs of ability in the prevention of macular degeneration or slowing in its infancy, the able examinations scheduled to monitor the changes that lead to phases Central atrophy degeneration, according to which where these doses, and it بابطائها of the disease or prevented from evolving.

Physician, editor in chief of Harvard and Amenz Health Watch »of Tribune Media Services»


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